3 Nov
Operational Planning
3 November - 5 November
The CNT adopted the Law No. 2022-019 of June 24, 2022 which introduces several innovations regarding the electoral processes management architecture in Mali. An Independent Authority for the Management of Elections (AIGE) is created with broad powers that will be shared with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MATD).
By this law, the MATD maintained its role in managing elections in Mali. Thus, the MATD is, among other things, responsible for the technical and material organization of referendum and electoral operations and the review of the electoral lists. The MATD is also in charge of the creation, location and jurisdiction of polling stations, electoral training and the setting up of electoral material and documents in connection with the AIGE.
The MADT, to properly fulfil its responsibilities per the new electoral law and thus contribute to the integrity of the constitutional referendum to be held in March 2023, is seeking the support of technical and financial partners among which the capacity-building programme on operational planning. A modular BRIDGE workshop on operational planning will be delivered and will target MATD technical staff involved in the management of the electoral process by International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) and International IDEA.
Four BRIDGE facilitators will take part to this event: Ms Emna ZGHONDA who is leading the preparations, Mr Joakim Baggagn as Workshop facilitator, Mr Issa T Diarra as semi accredited facilitator.
Mr Nicolas Matatu will be invited as resource person to share his experience on operations planning and electoral risk management in Africa.