Information for the BRIDGE Community

BRIDGE facilitators are the core of the BRIDGE community!
It is important to the integrity and credibility of BRIDGE that facilitators and implementers adhere to the BRIDGE rules when planning and conducting BRIDGE events and inform the BRIDGE Partners about BRIDGE workshops happening around the world.
The BRIDGE Portal streamlines interactions to make it as easy and simple as possible for facilitators to fulfil their obligations to the BRIDGE Partners when conducting a BRIDGE event. Once a BRIDGE event is registered, the BRIDGE Portal will send reminders to facilitators to complete the required tasks before, during and after the conduct of a BRIDGE event.
The Portal is designed to become the main point of communication between the BRIDGE Secretariat, the BRIDGE Partners and the BRIDGE facilitator community and indeed, between facilitators themselves.
The BRIDGE Portal is only accessible to BRIDGE facilitators and implementers. Once logged into the BRIDGE Portal, BRIDGE facilitators and implementers are able to:
- register an upcoming BRIDGE event
- access the latest version of the BRIDGE curriculum and resources needed to conduct BRIDGE workshops
- maintain their facilitator profile
- submit an article about a BRIDGE event,
- contact other BRIDGE facilitators, and
- submit forms related to BRIDGE facilitator accreditation.
Accessing the BRIDGE Portal
To access the BRIDGE Portal, scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Logon symbol which will take you to the login screen. Enter your email address and password to login to the BRIDGE Portal.
If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘forgot password’ and enter your email address to receive a temporary password.
If you experience any difficulties accessing the BRIDGE Portal, please complete the online contact form for assistance.
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the frequently asked questions, please contact BRIDGE using the online contact form.