Since 2001 over 2,449 BRIDGE workshops (including 191 Train the Facilitator courses) have been conducted:

  • in more than 66 countries
  • with participants from more than 120 countries
  • for over 20,434 participants
  • with 1,877 facilitators globally

2023 – 2024 Statistics

BRIDGE events conducted by region since January 2023

AfricaAsia PacificEuropeAmericasMiddle EastOther *

* BRIDGE events conducted in regions other than those listed.

Most frequently delivered BRIDGE modules in 2023-2024

  • Customised workshops *
  • Introduction to Electoral Administration
  • Train the Facilitator
  • Building Institutional Excellence
  • Voter and Civic Education
  • Gender Equality and Elections

* Customised workshops are individually designed, selecting content from more than one module to meet the identified needs of participant groups.

Last updated 24 July 2024