BRIDGE Rule 1: All BRIDGE activities must be approved by the BRIDGE Partners.  Approval is obtained through the BRIDGE Portal. Therefore, BRIDGE implementers must request approval from the BRIDGE Secretariat for BRIDGE activities as soon as they can legitimately do so.

2 Sep

Customized Introduction to Electoral Administration for Electoral Commission of Zambia Staff

2 September - 6 September


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) will be holding a customised introduction to electoral administration module BRIDGE Worksop for its Members of Staff. The Workshop was scheduled to be held from 19th to 23rd August 2024 and is now postponed to 2nd to 6th of September. This training will target 25 ECZ members of staff to be trained in the BRIDGE module “introduction to electoral administration.” 


Therefore, the main purpose of the training is to equip the members of staff with skills of managing various electoral activities and with a clear understanding of key electoral activities, international standards and norms for election management ahead of the 2026 general election. The Electoral Commission recently launched the 2026 general election roadmap and has commenced implementation of some of the key preparatory electoral activities. As such it is recommended that the officers undergo the training so that they can effectively discharge their electoral duties in the period leading to the general election. 


Emma Mwiinga, Mataa Sikota, Silvia Bwalya, Anna Mulenga Nkaka
Face to face workshop
Audience(s) for this workshop:
Electoral Management Body
Modules used at this workshop:
Introduction to Electoral Administration
Expected Outcomes:
Provide Electoral Principles to Staff, Operational Training, Preparation for Electoral Event