ABRIDGE in Nanggroe Aceh Darrusalam
11 May 2006
The first training was on logistics, with emphasis on the ballot paper production process, election materials and security and other related issues. It also covered the importance of the roles and responsibilities as logistic providers and the sensitive implications on their integrity. This was based on lessons learned from the national electoral management body.
The training was run by adapting BRIDGE adult learning method (Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Election) an international training course for EMBs (Election Management Body) put together by the Australian Electoral Commission, International IDEA and UNEAD. The training was attended by close to 60 participants from KIP district/municipalities members/staff working group in charge of logistics.
The second training was on Integrity Management Training. The 100 participants were actively involved every session. Participants expressed that this was one of the best training they had. These trainings were carried out in five hubs:
Banda Aceh for KIP Province and Kota Members and Secretariat staff (18 March)- 20 participants;
Banda Aceh (20 March)- for Wilayah I (KIP Aceh Besar, KIP Pidie, KIP Sabang, KIP Aceh Jaya) 20 participants;
Lhoksumawe (20 March)- for Wilayah II (KIP Aceh Utara, KIP Lhoksumawe, KIP Aceh Tengah, KIP Bener Meriah) – 22 participants;
Langsa (22 March)- for Wilayah III (KIP Kota Langsa, KIP Gayo Luwes, KIP Aceh TAmiang, KIP Aceh Timur, KIP Aceh Tenggara) 23 participants;
Abdya or Aceh Barat Daya (23 March) – for Wilayah IV(KIP Aceh Selatan, KIP Aceh Barat, KIP Aceh Barat Daya, KIP Simeuleu, KIP Aceh Singkil, KIP Nagan Raya) – 25 participants.
This particular training focuses on maintaining the integrity and independence of KIP members and their Secretaries using table group discussions, case studies, problem solving, role plays based as well on some BRIDGE materials and training methodology (Module 1). List of trainers (BRIDGE ACCREDITED TRAINERS):
Dhyana Paramita
Tatty Herawati
Asri Hadi
Assisted by Gadis Mertinna Ginting (half accredited BRIDGE trainer).(Source & photos taken by Dhyana Paramita, from LGSP-USAID).
Notes: This is a part of news letter of UNDP ALES (Aceh Local Elcetion Support) circulated amongst donors both in Banda Aceh and National levels.