AEC and VEC BRIDGE Introduction workshop
2 September 2011

The BRIDGE Introduction to Electoral Administration module was run as a three day workshop in Melbourne from 24 – 26 August 2011. The workshop was funded by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC). The workshop facilitators were Brian Latham, Bassam Alyaseri and Judy Birkenhead from the AEC.
The twenty participants were from the Australian Electoral Commission, the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) and Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission (PNGEC).
The objective of this workshop was to introduce concepts of internationally recognised best-practice in electoral administration, to strengthen the capacity of all participants and to share experience and knowledge in a supportive environment.
The workshop atmosphere was positive and there were plenty of useful discussions throughout the three days, with ample opportunity to share thoughts, knowledge and the different levels of experience amongst the participants from the different electoral commissions. The differences between running elections in Australia and in Papua New Guinea were the source of much discussion, as well as the differences between the AEC and VEC approaches.
As a result of the workshop, participants shared and increased their knowledge and understanding of the following:
- Concepts of representation and electoral systems
- Free and fair elections and the guiding principles for EMBs
- The different needs of stakeholders in the electoral process
- The elements of good law and procedures
The participants enjoyed the workshop and fed back that it was a great success in expanding and sharing their electoral knowledge. From the facilitators’ perspective it was warming to find such a generous sharing of ideas from such an experienced and knowledgeable group of participants.