AEC-PIANZEA BRIDGE TTF in Brisbane Australia, June 2023
19-30 June 2023

The AEC conducted a Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand Electoral Administrators (PIANZEA) Network BRIDGE Train the Facilitator (TtF) course from 19-30 June 2023, to build the pool of BRIDGE facilitators in Australia and across the Pacific.
Stephanie Attard, State Manager and Australian Electoral Officer (AEO) for Queensland opened the event on Monday 19 June 2023 and closed the course by presenting certificates to the participants on Friday 30 June 2023.
The course included a total of 20 participants from Australia, Bougainville, Fiji, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. The aim of the TtF was to provide valuable experience to all participants in BRIDGE methodology, curriculum and curriculum development. The workshop also aimed to rebuild the pool of BRIDGE facilitators in the Pacific to provide an important resource and skillset that will support and contribute to each respective EMB’s broader training needs as well as support the AEC in its delivery of international capacity building programs.
The workshop modelled BRIDGE facilitation by experienced facilitators as well as provided opportunities for all participants to present current BRIDGE curriculum material, to develop their own material and to present similar material written by other participants.
The BRIDGE TtF facilitation team was Michael Miller (Australia), Asenaca Kolinivala (Fiji), Michael Clancy (Australia) and Fredah Joses (PNG) with wonderful support from Emma Clayton (Australia).
Congratulations to all participants!