Bassam Hosts CEI’s BRIDGE on Post Electoral Activities

3 July 2013

After the post electoral crisis of 2010, Cote d’Ivoire strived to rebuild its democratic institutions and organised two key elections (parliamentary in 2011 and local government elections in 2012). In this process, the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) played a key role in promoting integrity and transparency in every activity of the electoral cycle.

As the next elections are scheduled for 2015/2016, CEI has 2 to 3 years to evaluate its performance, audit the previous elections and plan ahead of the next polls. These activities will be carried in a context where the political actors are requesting a reform of the electoral commission.

A funding from GIZ provided the African Union and International IDEA the opportunity to assist CEI in this evaluation and thinking process in the form of a BRIDGE workshop. Discussions and activities were around the following BRIDGE modules: introduction to election administration, post electoral activities, access to the electoral process and strategic and financial planning.

From June 3rd to June 7th 2013, the facilitation team lead by Mr Theophilus DOWETIN (Expert facilitator) provided participants with the opportunity to discuss issues related to electoral integrity, sustainability, internal communication and career management in an EMB. Other members of the facilitation team were: Mr Ibrahima Amadou NIANG (Expert facilitator from International IDEA), Mr Salomon Dagrou BAYORO (Workshop facilitator from CEI Cote d’Ivoire) and Mrs Marguerite YOLI-BI KONE (Workshop facilitator from CEI Cote d’Ivoire).

One of the key achievements of this workshop was the adoption of a vision and a mission for the electoral commission of Cote d’Ivoire.

The vision is: “Elections without disputes become a reality in Africa.”

The mission is: “We, the Independent Electoral Commission of Cote d’Ivoire, embodying the aspirations of ivoirians to have credible elections, make a commitment to protect the will of the people through:

  • Inclusion of all citizens,
  • Education, sensitization and capacity building of all stakeholders,
  • Transparent and efficient management of electoral operations,
  • Implementation of tools and procedures for sustainability,

In the interest of all citizens.”

By Theophilus Dowetin and Ibrahima Amadou Niang


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: