BRIDGE for civil society organisations in Angola
20 April 2006
A period of one week was spent by the facilitators to customise the contents of the course to suit the mission and the training needs of the Angola civil society in elections. Some BRIDGE materials in Portuguese were received from the BRIDGE Project Office, Melbourne, Australia; and additional relevant materials were incorporated from other sources. Some materials including existing BRIDGE OHPs were translated into Portuguese for the training. Powerpoint presentations were also developed within this period.
The training was conducted from March 6-17 in the Conference Room of SaferAfrica. It was preceded by an opening ceremony, chaired by Slu Hlongwa, the Director of the Governance Programme of SaferAfrica.
The course was attended by 10 participants: 7 from Angola civil society; and 3 are staff of SaferAfrica who are nationals of Kenya, Mali, and South Africa. The training benefited immensely from the diverse background of its participants. Experiences on the nature of elections management in the participant’s countries were shared during the course, thus providing a good cross cultural context to issues discussed.
The topics:
Elections: Reasons, Nature and Alternatives
Standards & Principles of Good Election Administration
Types of Election Management Bodies (EMBs)
Code of Conduct for an EMB
An EMB and its Stakeholders
Political System and Electoral System:
Concept of Free and fair Elections -
Voter Registration: Purposes, Types/Method, Criteria, Attributes, Stages,
Participation of Women Politics: Challenges and Possible Interventions -
Electoral Public Outreach: Principles, Types & Design
General Principles of Good Boundary Delimitation
Preparing for an Electoral Event: Approaches to the Count
Sub Regional Electoral Initiatives & Guidelines for SADC[Southern Africa Development Community] -
Role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Election Administration in Africa – Case study of Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Legal and Institutional Framework Election Administration in Angola
Lessons Learnt from the African Experience for CSO Participation in Election Administration in Angola Open Discussion
There was a closing ceremony on March 17 where Certificates of Completion were awarded by Abdallah Hamdok, the Director for Africa and the Middle East of International IDEA[International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance].