BRIDGE for Parliament as well
30 October 2009

The overall project objective was to enhance participants’ understanding of universally accepted standards and principles necessary for the conduct of free and fair elections, and share with them comparative experiences from the region and other parts of the world to allow them assess their own local experience and draw best practices and lessons learned.
This BRIDGE workshop is the third of three workshops plan for researchers of the Egyptian Parliament in 2009. The workshop was held from October 11-15, 2009 in Cairo. Training topics were carefully designed / tailored to suit the needs of the target group and the local context in Egypt. The target group was researchers from the Egyptian Parliament which is responsible for drafting/amending electoral legislations. Therefore, the Legal Framework and the Electoral Systems modules were identified as priority for this target group to enhance the participants’ awareness of principles and components that have to be taken into account to either define or reform elections’ legislation.
Full Report.