BRIDGE for Returning Officers in PNGEC
20 December 2006

The workshop was used to train the 109 Returning Officers. The appropriate Election Managers also attended the training in order to facilitate greater discussion and communication amongst the staff.
The workshop was held four times. The first two workshops were conducted concurrently in Alotau and Goroka. Alwyn Jimmy and Tiane Openakali facilitated the workshop in Goroka with administration assistance from Michael Clancy from the AEC. Regina Lunge and Margaret Vagi facilitated the workshop in Alotau with assistance from Francis Iro. The second two workshops ran the following week concurrently in Wewak and Kimbe. The Highlands region workshop held in Goroka was attended by 29 Returning Officers. The facilitators were Alwyn Jimmy and Tiane Openakali.

The returning officers were enthusiastic participants and are dedicated to the electoral process. Participant evaluations were positive and all participants contributed enthusiastically in the program.
All workshops were successful in equipping Returning Officers with the basic principles of election administration and skills enhancement to assist them to plan for the 2007 election.