BRIDGE on the shores of Lake Kivu, Goma
16 February 2016

Within the framework of the PROCEC project funded by the European Union, the EISA-DRI consortium, in partnership with the National Independent Electoral Commission of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), supports 11 civil society organizations involved in the observation of the 2016 presidential elections.
In the hopes to strengthen their training capacity, the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Development in Africa (EISA) held its second BRIDGE TTF in Goma, South Kivu, from January 11 through 22, 2016. The first one took place in Kinshasa, the capital city of the DRC in September 2015.
Each of the 29 facilitators trained will in his/her turn train his/her peers in their respective regions on electoral observation techniques and tools. Participants to the training all came from the following cities: Kinshasa, Kikwit, Goma, Bukavu, Isiro, Kalémie, Kisangani and Kindu. Some of them traveled as far as 800 miles to reach Goma.
The training was facilitated by:
Ms. Kamissa Camara, BRIDGE Expert Facilitator; Ms. Véronique Kando, Accrediting BRIDGE facilitator and Vice-President of the Burkina Faso Electoral Commission; Mr. Dieudonné Tshiyoyo, Workshop Facilitator and UNDP Regional Electoral Expert; Ms. Rose Mutombo, BRIDGE Semi-Accredited facilitator, from CAFCO/PROCEC; Mr. Jeff Bolese, BRIDGE Semi-Accredited facilitator from PROCEC/Programme d’éducation civique de Ouélé and Mr. Ydriss Katenga, BRIDGE Semi-Accredited facilitator from ROC/PROCEC.
Both participants and facilitators enjoyed the time spent together. At the end of the training, some participants gave the following testimonies:
“Wherever I will have to give a training, I will make sure that I use the BRIDGE methodology, which is based on generosity, group work, mutual respect and humility” – Kabobo Shukrany wa Katiti
“I thank the facilitators and EISA from the bottom of my heart… they have made me a new person!” – Daphrose Bitungwa
“BRIDGE just planted new seeds in its garden. May these not be forgotten. May these be promoted through many modular trainings, so that they can grow and reach maturity“ – Patrice Botende