BRIDGE V2 Completion Status Report
21 May 2008

Beyond Version 2Â
The BRIDGE project office does not anticipate that there will ever be a BRIDGE Version 3. We believe that V2 is comprehensive, rigorous, well written and edited. However, we also recognise that all curriculum must remain dynamic, up to date and flexible if it is to remain relevant. The BRIDGE project needs to remain responsive to developments in election administration/management, and to this end it is necessary to continually revise and refine materials as they are used in the field. This means amending the materials as required, and adding new resource material as it becomes available. The BRIDGE Partners discussed the issue of updating V2 at the March Partner Meeting in New York, and some suggestions for formalising this process were discussed.
The V2 curriculum (March 2008) which is now on the web, is froze, that is, it will not change except using a formal updating procedure, which will be outlined and uploaded onto the web soon. Essentially, there will be twice-yearly updates, March and September, where materials will be updated on an as needed basis. Versions will be marked according to their most recent update, e.g. Civic Education (V2 MAR08) or Electoral Assistance (V2 SEP09).
As BRIDGE V2 translations continue to be done throughout the world, the BRIDGE Project Office remains committed to acquiring all translations of any BRIDGE documents, so that they can be uploaded to the web for general access. Translation guidelines are currently being drafted to assist those organisations that are translating BRIDGE material to ensure that an appropriate translation (and customisation) approach is being used, and that materials include appropriate formatting and version information so that it can be appropriately filed and easily accessed.
Final V2 Documents to be Updated
The (V1) Implementation Manual (and Implementation Workshop handbooks) are currently being updated in line with the completed V2 curriculum and implementation decisions/policies made at the recent March Partner Meeting in New York. A draft of this manual is likely to be ready for review/editing by the end of June 2008. If you have any questions or would like any input into this document or this process, please contact the BRIDGE office at –