Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova runs the module External Voting in Romanian language

29 May 2014


Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova (CEC) has organized for the 4th time the BRIDGE workshops, with the topic “External Voting”, in Romanian Language. This activity is a part of on-going program of support developed by UNDP that is a global implementing partner in the BRIDGE Project. The two consecutive seminars were held in Chisinau, between 13-15 of May and 19-21 of May 2014.

The target group for the training was represented by the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFA), one of the main institutions from our country responsible for the organization of external voting. During the next elections, the trained people are planned to be members of the PEBs created abroad or will be involved in the organization and coordination activities conducted by MFA centrally. In order to build links across different organizations and to create the perfect background for debating the workshop topic, in the training have participated also representatives of CEC and CTC. In total, the two workshops were attended by 40 persons.

The workshop content was developed based on “External Voting” Module that was tailored and implemented in the Republic of Moldova in October 2011. The facilitators made further changes/updates and adapted it to the real needs of the participants.

The two workshops were facilitated by two teams of facilitators that were headed by Corneliu Pasat (Accrediting Facilitator), Mariana Musteata (Workshop Facilitator), Ludmila Lupasco (Workshop Facilitator), Cristina Cucurudza, Cristina Berlinschii, Olesea Jumiga and Rodica Sirbu (Semi-accredited facilitators).

According to the evaluation made by the participants and the facilitators, the training represented a success, and succeeded to meet its objectives. The participants have highly appreciated BRIDGE methodology and we have received many positive feedbacks.


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: