Civic Education Module for Regional Pacific Nations
16 October 2008

The facilitation team consists of Yvonne Goudie (Australia), Jeannette Bolenga (Vanuatu USP), Tina Harihiru (Solomon Islands), Ghan Deo (Fiji) and Rine Ueara (Kiribati). The facilitation team was assisted by the outstanding support team from PIAS-DG, Dimple Takki, Raijieli Bulatale and Mary.
The overall view of the course is exciting and that was why the number of participants exceeded BRIDGE appropriate number. The presentations and participation was marvelous and everyone enjoyed. The make it happen exercise at the end of this module was successfully completed as a way forward for the countries to implement for their civic education programs on their return.
The module is chosen to be attended since most of the Pacific islands lack the resources to carry out the education programs for the community at all levels. However, even though this module is greatly admired to be attended the problem experienced is time planning due to the presentations to be carried from a huge group. The other important problem was the site of the venue as this hotel is close to town and shopping centers the high rate of late comers to every session was noted.
At the closing of the course the participants were certificated upon their participation of the course and also one facilitator was accredited a full facilitator of BRIDGE course.
Rine Ueara
Chief Electoral Officer