Civic Education Modules Conducted in Dili Timor-Leste

7 September 2011

Two Civic Education Module workshops were conducted in Dili East Timor for participants from the Commissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE), Centro Jornalismo Investigativo Timor Leste (CJITL), Rede Feto, Caucus, Radiu Rakambia, Fundasaun Alola, Observatorio da Igreija Para os Assuntos Sociais (OIPAS) and Timor Leste Media Development Centre (TLMDC) and Radiu Liberdade..

As part of the Australian Government’s longstanding support for East Timor, funding was provided by AusAID to conduct training to further develop the capacity of electoral administration in Timor-Leste. The Australian Electoral Commission provided three facilitators – Augusto Pereira, Cate Thompson and Michael Clancy to oversee the workshop.

The workshops were also an opportunity for semi accredited facilitators to gain ‘Workshop Level’ accreditation. It is great to acknowledge that the following facilitators have now been assessed and gained their ‘Workshop Accreditation’ – Deolindo Deo Ramos (CNE), Jose Soares Fonseca (CNE), Celistiano Xavier (CNE), Patricia de A.F.B.M. Xavier (OIPAS), Ivo Rangel (Freelance), Mario Guterres de Oliveira (TLMDC), Filomena G. Antonio (CNE) and Honorio Cruz da Silva (CNE). Congratulations and welcome to the BRIDGE team!

The two workshops were conducted at the Venture Hotel in Dili. Twenty nine participants attended the first workshop which was held from 15 to 18 August and twenty eight participants attended the second workshop which was held from 22 to 25 August 2011.

The aim of the training was to give participants a better understanding of the components of a civic education program and the opportunity to work with others to discuss and write plans for implementing a civic education program in their districts in the lead up to the 2012 elections and beyond.

Both workshops were very successful in exposing participants to new ways of addressing the challenges they face in delivering civic education in their districts.  Participants participated enthusiastically in the activities and were positive in their responses to the workshop.

Comments from participants include:

 “I have attended many workshops but my experience with BRIDGE is very different. This is just a wonderful workshop I have attended in my life”.

“Please do not stop this kind of workshops. Extend it to reach other unreached fellow friends”.

“I will pass all these fabulous information and knowledge to my fellow friends when I am back to my office”.  

“Thanks BRIDGE. I now know my job. Through BRIDGE workshop I can be able to do my job better”.

Dr Faustino Cardoso Gomes, President of CNE opened the first workshops and encouraged participants to take their learning back to their workplace so they could better support their work in the 2012 elections. Representatives from AusAID and other Commissioners from CNE were able to attend the opening and closing of the courses.

Thanks to AusAID for the funding of the courses and to CNE for supporting their staff to undertake this valuable training.


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: