First TtF in Malawi!
12 May 2013

As part of preparations for the forthcoming Tripartite Elections scheduled to take place in May, 2014, the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) organized a 10-day intensive Train the Facilitator (TtF) Workshop at Shire Highlands Hotel in Blantyre from 23rd April to 3rd May, 2013.
The aim of the workshop was to accredit a high quality group of facilitators of the BRIDGE project. The workshop drew participants from Government, Civil Society Organisations, Faith Based Organisations and NICE. The training workshop unveiled the detailed way of training methodologies and techniques using the Building Resources in Democracy Governance & Elections (BRIDGE) curriculum.
BRIDGE which is used worldwide is the most comprehensive election administration training curriculum that uses adult learning and teaching methodologies.
The training workshop has increased the number of BRIDGE Facilitators in Malawi who will be very instrumental in the electoral process for the 2014 Tripartite Elections. This workshop was funded by the European Union, and was officially opened and closed by Commissioner Gloria Chingota. At the end of the workshop 18 participants qualified as semi-accredited facilitators and were awarded BRIDGE certificates.
Some of the participants’ comments on how they find the workshop are as follows:
It was deliverd in a splendid manner. Very friendly and helpful facilitators
The facilitation was excellent in that all activities given were related to topics discussed.
So interesting.
The facilitation methods are of great value and quality
My retirement plan
“Facilitators were clear in their explanations and had time for every participant
Both participants and Facilitators showed high level comitment and professionalism
A great experience and a positive learning environment was established
Gained a lot of skills and knowledge
Thanks to BRIDGE for the comprehensive curriculum and faciliators for a well executed job