IEC Jordan continues professional development of electoral staff
12 October 2015

IEC Jordan in cooperation with IFES Jordan and with the financial assistance of USAID launched long-term professional development program for its staff and stakeholders using the BRIDGE curriculum. During the Sept 2014-Sept 2015, 277 officials were trained through thirteen BRIDGE Intro workshops.
The preparation for the Introduction to Electoral Administration workshop started on August 26th to make necessary logistical arrangements. The facilitation team started preparation of the content of the workshop on August 30th through September 6th.
The facilitation team consisted of following facilitators:
- Natia Kashakashvili (BRIDGE expert facilitator)
- Tareq Batanieh (IEC, semi-accredited facilitator)
- Qais Irshaidat (IEC, semi-accredited facilitator)
Expert level facilitator closely mentored and guided semi-accredited facilitators to prepare their sessions, to understand the role during the co-facilitation and to create the strong team-building within the facilitation team. The team quickly created a very positive atmosphere and worked very successfully to prepare all the sessions content.
Introduction to Electoral Administration workshops were conducted during 7-10 September and 14-17 September, 2015. Twenty-two participants attended the first workshop (fourteen female and eight male) and twenty-six participants – the second workshop (nine female and seventeen male).
The workshop was conducted in a very positive atmosphere. One of the participants noted “I have attended many workshops, but this was more successful because of the environment created by the facilitators and the participants”.
The facilitators have delivered the sessions making sure that group-works were conducted thoroughly and all the sessions wrapped up in comparison to Jordanian context and analyzed in parallel of the International Standards. Some participants evaluated topics as well as the methodology used:
- Scenarios and group works made us feel as if we are preparing for the conduct of elections;
- Practical exercises and scenarios are important as it stays in our memory best way;
- Topics were very important but the methodology is new;
- All the stages of training has been covered from all aspects from the beginning of registration until the end of the electoral processes;
- Practical group works were most important on 3rd and 4th days.
- Facilitators were excellent and could manage the time and group work. Presentations were excellent, in addition to the knowledge to the topic that they were presenting.
- Workshop was intensive and comprehensive; Presentation and methodology was distinguished.
Facilitation team have successfully modified some of the after-lunch activities to guarantee effectiveness and active participation.
At the end of the training, participants received certificates of completion 25 hours of the workshop.
Two semi-accredited facilitators, Tareq Batanieh and Qais Irshaidat, after completing customization, preparation and conduct of the two workshops, were granted accreditation as BRIDGE Workshop Level facilitators.