Implementation workshop in Pristina, Kosovo
22 December 2023
Republic of Kosovo

Empowering CEC Kosovo with a BRIDGE Implementation Workshop
On Friday, 22 December 2023, Kosovo hosted a BRIDGE Implementation workshop. The event was organized by International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) with the support of Rule of Law Centre of Finland at the request of Central Election Commission of Kosovo in an effort to restart the BRIDGE program that started back in 2012-2013 when the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) organized a Train the Facilitator workshop and a couple of modular workshops.
The day-long event aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of BRIDGE, its components, and how it can be effectively implemented. It was preceded by a 3-days Introduction to Election Administration module that served as a showcase of the BRIDGE curriculum and methodology.
The workshop brought together 14 participants, including members and high-level management of the Central Election Commission (CEC), senior officials, and five BRIDGE semi-accredited facilitators. The participants were equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary for successful BRIDGE implementation as the workshop provided a holistic understanding of BRIDGE.
The facilitation team consisted from Dr. Doina Bordeianu, Accrediting BRIDGE facilitator from the Republic of Moldova, Ljupka Guguchevska Filiposka, Accrediting BRIDGE facilitator from North Macedonia and Madalena Koja, BRIDGE Workshop Facilitator from Albania.
The Implementation workshop marks the inception of a broader capacity-building initiative in Kosovo through BRIDGE, anticipating significant contributions to the enhancement of transparency and fairness in elections. The Central Election Commission has recently finalized strategic planning, incorporating BRIDGE methodology as a sustained learning approach for the future. Additionally, International IDEA plans to support the strengthening of institutional and human capacities by implementing the BRIDGE program. Together, these efforts indicate a concerted commitment towards fostering a resilient and stable democratic process in Kosovo.
The working languages were English, Albanian, and Serbian. Simultaneous interpretation was provided.