International IDEA hosts TtF in Stockholm, May- June 2018

21 June 2018

Group photoFrom May 21 to June 1, 15 participants attended the BRIDGE Train the Facilitator workshop organized by International IDEA in Stockholm, Sweden.

Through the Electoral Processes impact area, International IDEA supports the integrity of electoral institutions and processes worldwide. One of the focus areas is the capacity of electoral authorities to implement their mandate. The BRIDGE project represents an important vehicle for this capacity building work. The aim of this TtF workshop was to raise the capacity of International IDEA, BRIDGE partners (AEC, IFES, UNDP, UNEAD) and a select number of EMBs to facilitate BRIDGE courses globally, regionally or nationally.

This ten-day intensive workshop, which is integral to the BRIDGE program, uses a ‘train the trainer’ model and aims at enhancing the knowledge about the BRIDGE methodology and materials and the facilitation skills of potential facilitators. After completing the workshop, participants expressed that they had lived a very positive and self-reflective experience. They also spoke of the TtF as a contributing factor to their long term professional development.

The facilitation team was formed by lead facilitator Virginia Beramendi (Accrediting Facilitator), Alistair Legge (Accrediting Facilitator), Lourdes González Prieto (Accrediting Facilitator) and Sara Staino (Workshop Facilitator).

This TtF workshop was particularly special as participants were given the opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of the TtF BRIDGE module by providing feedback to the facilitators as they conducted the activities. An updated version 3 of this module will be ready by the end of 2018. {gallery}StockholmMay18{/gallery}

Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: