Introduction to Election Administration
18-20 October 2024

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) an election management body with assistance from the local office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted a BRIDGE Modular workshop as a way to respond to the need to strengthen the capacity of its newly employed staff in the administration and conduct of elections. By way of background, during the period 2022 and 2024, ZEC employed new employees some of whom had never been involved in election administration. Most of these employees were recruited just before and during the conduct of Zimbabwe’s 2023 Harmonised General elections and were thrown into the deep end, so to speak with little or no training in election administration.
The Commission after analysing the BRIDGE Curriculum recommended it as a comprehensive package to strengthen the capacity of its staff to conduct elections and other related tasks. The BRIDGE Module on Introduction to Electoral Administration was identified as the most appropriate module for the selected trainees as it would aid in enhancing their understanding of key standards, principles and election management techniques that are fundamental to effective electoral practice throughout the electoral cycle. Trainees consisted of electoral staff members from across the 10 provinces of the country. The workshop was led by Shamiso Chahuruva, Workshop Facilitator alongside Sekai Chipise and Phanankosi Mpofu TtF Complete facilitators all from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. Utloile Silaigwana, Accrediting Facilitator, provided oversight and mentorship throughout the training.
This training was a great success. The majority of the participants were very eager and receptive of the information that was shared by both facilitators and fellow participants. The participant evaluations were universally glowing and the level of the contributions by the participants was very encouraging. Below are some comments from the trainees:
“I found the just ended workshop highly informative and engaging. I loved the fact that it allowed everyone to participate. The facilitators explained all the topics clearly and I understood everything. I particularly appreciated the interactive group exercises as they facilitated meaningful connections with fellow participants.”
Chiedza Melody Guyo – Administration Assistant
“Overall, the training was over and beyond expectation as the facilitators delivered training methods which ensured we grasped the concepts of Electoral Administration. Group work was one of the most useful methods implemented as it ensured maximum participation of everyone in the training. On the other hand, the environment was so welcoming and everyone was given a chance to voice out their opinions, their presentations were clear and easy to understand.”
Arnold Chioza – Senior ICT/Voter Registration & Delimitation Officer
“The course content was appropriate and localised, which enhanced our understanding“
Hilary Mabhena – Voter Education Officer Imbizo District, Bulawayo