Introduction to Electoral Administration Fiji CSOs
24-26 May 2022

The Introduction to Electoral Administration module was recently conducted for civil society organisations, students and political parties in Fiji. The object of the workshop was to provide a firm understanding of what elections are and how they are administered for participants who are interested and or engaged in elections but who do not administer them.
The three day workshop was held at the Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour, 45 mins outside of Suva Fiji. Thirty participants took part. The workshop organisers were International IDEA and their local partner Dialogue Fiji. The workshop was funded by UKAID.
Most topics were drawn from the Introduction to Election Administration module with the addition of material from the Voter Registration, Legal Framework and Reform and Electoral Dispute Resolution modules. The facilitators also trialled new material on the foundations of democracy, on conflict and elections and a customised stakeholder engagement session and a reworking of the electoral cycle and stages of an election activities to suit non-EMBs.
None of the participants had been involved in a BRIDGE workshop before and enjoyed the BRIDGE facilitation techniques. The quote from a participant which reflected participant views of the workshop was “I learnt so much about the electoral administration process … very interesting and very informative.”