“Leveraging Electoral Training Facilities in Democracies”
9 August 2017

The Election Commission of India (ECI), The Indian International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIIDEM) and International IDEA organized an international consultative workshop in New Delhi from 24 to 25 July 2017 on the theme “Leveraging Electoral Training Facilities in Democracies”. The workshop convened representatives from several EMBs, Intergovernmental organizations and International non-governmental organizations.
During the session on “experience sharing on training political parties, security personnel, observers, media and CSOs”, Erik Asplund (International IDEA) presented the BRIDGE module professional programe. Among other, he mentioned that BRIDGE has been used by the EMB’s of Australia, Fiji, Moldova, Georgia and East Timor (among others) to raise the capacity of electoral stakeholders. He also provided an update on the V3 curriculum, mentioning that the Voter Registration, Electoral Systems and Strategic Planning modules (both in English and French) are now available on the BRIDGE website for facilitators.
Representatives from BRIDGE partner organizations such as the Australian Election Commission, UNEAD and UNDP attended the event. For more information about the event in general please visit: http://www.idea.int/news-media/news/electoral-capacity-development-new-delhi-statement