NEC conducts the second reflection on the 2015 General Elections
1 June 2016

With the objective of strengthening its institutional sustainability and that of electoral processes and multiparty democracy in the country, the National Electoral Commission of Tanzania (NEC) held its second BRIDGE workshop to reflect on the 2015 elections, to identify challenges and lessons to be applied in future planning towards future electoral processes. The workshop took place in the capital city Dodoma, from 16th to 18th May, 2016 with directors from different departments within NEC. The first one took place in the coastal town of Bagamoyo in April 2016 with election staff from different divisions.
The workshop was facilitated by two international accrediting facilitators, Mrs Rindai Chipfunde-Vava (from Zimbabwe) and Mr Zefanias Matsimbe (from Mozambique). In the overall assessment, participants considered the course to be an eye opener and emphasized the relevance of the course for the opportunity for self-assessment of their performance in 2015 and to look forward towards the 2020 general elections.
The training was part of a series that has been delivered to NEC through the UNDP led Democratic Empowerment Project (DEP) to materialize the UNDP commitment to continue working with NEC to strengthen democracy in the country. Three other workshops on the same topic will be held in the coming weeks, one of them with NEC commissioners, for further reflection.
DEP is a project directly executed by UNDP through a basket fund, launched in March 2013, following the two previous successful electoral support projects in Tanzania, the Electoral Assistance Project (2005) and the Election Support Project (2010).