Training of BRIDGE facilitators for executives of the General Directorate of Territory Administration
29 July - 8 August 2024
Burkina Faso

Since January 2022, Burkina Faso has been engaged in a long process of political transition. Elections marking the end of this transition are planned in five years but could be held before this deadline if the security situation allows. In the meantime, stakeholders in this electoral process are seeking to strengthen their capacities. This is the case of eleven (11) executives from the ministry responsible for territorial administration, who took part in a TtF workshop organized from July 29 to August 8, 2024 in Koudougou, a town located about a hundred kilometers from the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. Among these eleven Ministry executives are three (3) women and eight (8) men. The workshop was facilitated by a team led by Prof. Augustin Loada, Accrediting Facilitator, composed of Mrs. Tiam/Kpoda Ghislaine and Mr. Abdoul Karim Sango, both Workshop Facilitators. The TtF workshop was organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) thanks to funding from Swiss cooperation. TtF participants showed keen interest in BRIDGE and re-appropriated its methodology and values. Indeed, everyone got involved in the assessment criteria with enthusiasm and recognized at the end of the workshop that the TtF learning outcomes had been achieved. Due to the satisfactory performance of the eleven participants, they were recommended to the status of TtF Complete and committed to implementing in the near future the Plan and strategy they developed to complete their journey in BRIDGE with a view to become Workshop Facilitators which will subsequently allow them to become excellent ambassadors for BRIDGE in Burkina Faso, thus contributing to better governance in their country.