TtF for Jordanian and Palestinian Election Administrators
23 February 2009

The Train the Facilitator workshop followed five introductory BRIDGE workshops that were conducted during 2008. Until the end of 2008, a total of 109 staff members from the MoI, 7 from MoMA and one from the Ministry of Political Development (MoPD) attended at least one BRIDGE module in Jordan. Participants for the Train the Facilitator workshop were selected from these participants.
The TtF is an essential component of IFES’ goal of developing the in-house professional development function of Jordanian election administrators. Going forward, the participants from this workshop, who will receive semi-accreditation as BRIDGE facilitators after the TtF, will work closely with IFES in planning and delivering future BRIDGE workshops for staff of the various ministries in Jordan.
The TtF was facilitated by Emad Yousef, Ossama Kamel, Wael al-Faraj (UNDP), and Hermann Thiel (IFES).