Version 2 – A New Phase
16 January 2006

One of the recommendations of the 2005 BRIDGE Expert Advisory Group (EAG) meeting in Melbourne was to embody such rewriting in a complete BRIDGE Version 2 by the end of 2006. Reaching this goal will require a firm commitment of time and resources from all partners.
Ideally, BRIDGE Version 2 will be further internationalised by commissioning expert writers from as many cultural and language backgrounds as possible.
The BRIDGE Project Office in Melbourne will continue to coordinate the process.
Step 1: partner confirmation of process (January 2006)
Step 2: setting up of Version 2 Advisory Committee (January/February 2006) (purpose: to provide guidance to those involved with the process, and to review newly developed or amended modules. The Committee includes nominees from each of the partner organisations.)
Step 3: substantial writing phase (Feb-May 2006) the writing of individual activities/modules would be commissioned through the BRIDGE Project Office (though some writers may be contracted directly by the project partners).
Step 4: editing, continued writing and expert input phase (June-August 2006) After the initial work is sent to the BRIDGE Project Office, the editing, re-writing, and pursuit of case studies and resources begins.
Step 5: proofreading and production phase (September-November 2006)
Step 6: submission of finished curriculum to Expert Advisory Group (November 2006)
The development of Version 2 is a huge undertaking – and will be the result of the work of many people, just as it was for the writing of Version 1. The Partner Organisations will be identifying appropriate potential curriculum writers and election specialists and will be commissioning them during the various development steps. The partners also welcome facilitators and specialists to express interest in any aspect of the process. To express interest in the development of Version 2, and for more information, contact Ross Attrill (BRIDGE Project Coordinator) and/or Yvonne Goudie (Version 2 Curriculum Editor):,