Version 2 Curriculum Status Report
25 May 2007

The BRIDGE project team is aiming to complete the following 11 modules (3 from each strand plus the 2 foundation modules!) by 30 June 2007:
Electoral Operations: Voter Registration; Pre-election Activities; Polling, Counting and Results (3 modules)
Foundation Modules: Introduction to Electoral Administration and Strategic and Financial Planning (2 modules)
- Electoral Architecture: Boundary Delimitation; Electoral Systems; Electoral Management Design (3 modules)
- Working with Electoral Stakeholders: Electoral Observation; Access to Electoral Processes; Gender & Elections (3 modules)
As well as this, we are aiming to complete the other critical BRIDGE component documents by the end of June:
V2 Facilitation Manual (previously called V1 Facilitation Information Booklet)
Train the Facilitators Handbooks
Implementation Workshop Handbooks
We have set realistic goals for this first half of the year, and we think that we are on track to finish the remaining 12 modules, and the V2 Implementation Manual, by the end of December 2007.
Editorial Meeting
The editorial team, consisting of Ross Attrill, Yvonne Goudie, Paul Guerin will be meeting between 29 May – 8 June in the BRIDGE Project office in Melbourne. We hope to make final formatting decisions at this meeting, proof-read all the 11 modules that we are aiming to complete by June, and kick-start the partner approval process.
V2 Partner Approval Process
As each module is completed, we will send it to the BRIDGE partner organisations with about a week turn-around period and then, after the modules have been returned and or approved, we will progressively upload them onto the web.
If you have any queries about V2, or would like to obtain any draft copies, please contact Yvonne Goudie (