Version 2 on Track

2 July 2007

Version 2 is finally in the editorial phase and the first few modules are to be rolled out in a couple of weeks (pending partner approval). These include:


Foundation Modules

  • The Introduction module – Introduction to Electoral Administration


Architecture thematic group

  • Boundary Delimitation
  • Electoral Systems
  • Electoral Management Design


Operations thematic group

  • Pre Election Activities
  • Polling, Counting and Results


Stakeholder thematic group

  • Access to Electoral Processes
  • Electoral Observation
  • Media and Elections

This is 9 out of the 23 modules. The remaining 14 modules will be completed over the coming months, with a staggered roll out between August and December.

BRIDGE Poster Version 2


BRIDGE Project Partners (AEC, IDEA, UNEAD, UNDP and IFES) have a two week period in which to provide input into the modules. We also invite any BRIDGE facilitators or friends to provide input by contacting the BRIDGE Project Office (


Once modules are approved by partners, they will be uploaded onto the web……


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: