Version 2 on Track
2 July 2007
Version 2 is finally in the editorial phase and the first few modules are to be rolled out in a couple of weeks (pending partner approval). These include:
Foundation Modules
The Introduction module – Introduction to Electoral Administration
Architecture thematic group
Boundary Delimitation
Electoral Systems
Electoral Management Design
Operations thematic group
Pre Election Activities
Polling, Counting and Results
Stakeholder thematic group
Access to Electoral Processes
Electoral Observation
Media and Elections
This is 9 out of the 23 modules. The remaining 14 modules will be completed over the coming months, with a staggered roll out between August and December.
BRIDGE Project Partners (AEC, IDEA, UNEAD, UNDP and IFES) have a two week period in which to provide input into the modules. We also invite any BRIDGE facilitators or friends to provide input by contacting the BRIDGE Project Office (
Once modules are approved by partners, they will be uploaded onto the web……