Version 2: Progress Report

17 May 2006

Version 2 contains 3 strands or clusters (themes): Electoral Operations; Working With Stakeholders; and Electoral Architecture. There are now 16 modules (with possibly a couple more to be added at a later stage). 


BRIDGE Project Version 2 Curriculum Framework

Introduction Module – Introduction to Electoral Administration

Strands/Clusters for all other modules 

Electoral Operations

Working with Electoral Stakeholders

Electoral Architecture 

Voter Registration

Access to Electoral Processes 

Legal Framework

Pre-election Activities 

Voter Education

Boundary Delimitation

Training of electoral officials

Electoral Contestants

Electoral Systems 

Polling, Counting and Results 

Electoral Observation

Structure of Electoral Management Bodies

Post Election Activities

Media and Elections



Electoral Assistance



Note: The words in underlined are the suggested short titles for each module.

Some of the people involved with the development of BRIDGE Version 2


Summary of Steps for Development of Version 2

  1. Partner confirmation of process (January 2006)
  2. Setting up of Version 2 Advisory Committee (January/February 2006) (purpose: to provide guidance to those involved with the process, and to review newly developed or amended modules. The Committee includes nominees from each of the partner organisations)
  3. Substantial writing phase (Feb-May 2006) the writing of individual activities/modules would be commissioned through the BRIDGE Project Office (though some writers may be contracted directly by the project partners)
  4. Editing, continued writing and expert input phase (June-August 2006) After the initial work is sent to the BRIDGE Project Office, the editing, re-writing, and pursuit of case studies and resources begins
  5. Proofreading and production phase (September-November 2006)
  6. Submission of finished curriculum to Expert Advisory Group (November 2006) 

Version 2 Drafts are coming in….

A wealth of excellent draft material has been trickling into the BRIDGE office over the last few weeks. We have included just a small snap-shot of material from various modules – to share our excitement at the rapid progress of Version 2!

To access some draft materials for Version 2 please click on the links in the above table.



All material is unedited, unofficial, and is obviously not be used! As you will see, there is much work to be done cutting and pasting and expanding the various documents that have been written (in various formats!). The priority for the next ‘phase’ of development is the commissioning of further work, and the editing of all the material.


We Need Your Help

One of the objectives of Version 2 is to internationalise and expand the amount of audio-visual material that comprises the resource material of the modules. To this end, we invite all BRIDGE associates to submit any good photos you have of election activities, and/or audio/visual material you have come across.


The partners welcome facilitators and specialists to express interest in any aspect of the Version 2 development process. To express interest in the development of Version 2, and for more information, send an email through this web site by click on the contact link on the front page.

Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: