Workshop with TtF elements in Georgia
3 April 2014
UNDP/Georgia, with the financial assistance of EU and in partnership with Central Election Commission of Georgia and the Centre of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings, conducted 7-day BRIDGE workshop on Elections and Training
UNDP/Georgia, phasing out its assistance program “Promoting Credible and Sustainable Electoral Institutions and Processes” in Georgia, targeted the pool of trainers/facilitators of the Election Administration, in order to strengthen the regional level Training management and foster better planning and implementation of the training events on regional/district level.
UNDP/Georgia, with the financial assistance of EU and in partnership with Central Election Commission of Georgia and the Centre of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings, conducted 7-day BRIDGE workshop on Elections and Training using the Train the Facilitator (TtF) workshop elements during March 2-8, 2014 at GPH Hotel, Kobuleti, Georgia. The workshop was facilitated by Natia Kashakashvili (UNDP Consultant), Giorgi Ezugbaia and Maia Gudadze (CEC Training Centre).
Twenty participants (10 female, 10 male) attended the workshop. CEC chairperson Tamar Zhvania and deputy chairperson Giorgi Sharabidze have opened the workshop and addressed participants identifying specific needs of the CEC in terms of training the election administration.
The workshop aimed at equipping the trainers with the facilitation techniques and transferring the knowledge and skills to plan and implement Electoral Training Events. For the reason the basis of the paired presentations was Electoral Training module and the elements of the TtF was used as presentation skills development.
The structure of the workshop agenda was scheduled as follows:
DAY1 & DAY2 Introduction to BRIDGE and BRIDGE methodology, learning styles, facilitation techniques and facilitation challenges; Preparation of first set of paired activitiesDAY 3-4 Presentations of first set of paired activities (35 min)DAY 4 Evaluation of first paired activities; preparation for the second paired presentationsDAY 5-6 Presentations of second set of paired activities (55 min)DAY 7 Evaluation of the second paired activities; Skills for writing procedures, curriculum and Facilitators’ Notes on the polling procedures; closing ceremony and certificates.
Each participant presented one energizer during the 7-day workshop.
The workshop by its content was very intense. Participants have showed their devotion and eagerness to master their skills in facilitation. The topics delivered during the paired presentations were evaluated not only in terms of how it was presented, but content wise as well. Participants have acquired the understanding of the training cycle and its progressive activities. The workshop participants are planned to be in charge of the trainers/training conduct in their respective regions, therefore transferring to them the constructive way of giving feedback was another achievement of the workshop. All the participants understand of the importance of the effective learning environment, therefore it is expected that the training events for the upcoming local elections will be delivered in atmosphere, where polling staff can absorb all the information/materials delivered by the trainers.
The workshop had the same impact on personal development of the participants as the TtF. Team building, changed values, positive thinking and constructive feedbacks – were observed during and after the paired presentations.
Piloting mini-TtF in Georgia can be evaluated as a very successful event; as the country has large number of the BRIDGE facilitators and the purpose of the workshop is to raise facilitation skills, mini-TtF can be arranged in combination with the prioritized topics.