Looking for an answer to your question? Our most frequently asked questions are listed below and if you can’t find your answer here, check out our FAQs. If you don’t find what you need, fill out the contact form below.
- Q: I am interested in attending a BRIDGE workshop. How can I arrange this?
BRIDGE is designed to be part of a wider capacity building effort in an organisation or country, it does not generally conduct public workshops that anyone can attend. As with face-to-face workshops, online workshops are delivered as part of a wider capacity building effort in an organisation or country and are not generally conducted as public workshops.
If you would like to attend a BRIDGE workshop, check the BRIDGE events calendar to see if workshops are being conducted in your region. If you see a BRIDGE event you would like to attend, contact the organisation conducting the workshop to see if they will take external participants. If the calendar does not have contact details for the workshop you are interested in, complete the online contact form to see if BRIDGE can put you in contact with the organisers.- Q: How do I become a BRIDGE facilitator?
If you are interested in becoming a BRIDGE facilitator, you must first attend a BRIDGE module workshop as a participant. You can check the BRIDGE events calendar to see if any workshops are being run in your region, keeping in mind that workshops are generally not conducted as public workshops.
If you see a BRIDGE event you would like to attend, contact the organisation running the workshop to see if they will take external participants. If the calendar does not have contact details for the workshop you are interested in, complete the online contact form to see if BRIDGE can put you in contact with the organisers.
Once you have attended a BRIDGE module workshop, and if you are still interested in becoming a BRIDGE facilitator, the next step is to attend a Train the Facilitator (TtF) course.
Learn more about becoming a BRIDGE facilitator.- Q: Can I access the BRIDGE curriculum materials?
Access to the BRIDGE curriculum and workshop materials is restricted to accredited BRIDGE facilitators, BRIDGE implementers and the BRIDGE Partners.
If you would like to see a sample of the curriculum and you are not a facilitator or BRIDGE Partner, please complete the online contact form explaining why you would like access.
Learn more about the BRIDGE curriculum.- Q: How do I arrange for a BRIDGE program to be run in my country or organisation?
- Consideration of the use of the BRIDGE curriculum may be prompted in a number of ways and while BRIDGE is a powerful professional development tool, BRIDGE programs are extremely diverse and their design can be influenced by the organisation, circumstances, timing in the electoral cycle, funding and participant needs, as well as regional and cultural contexts.
To speak with a BRIDGE Partner about running a BRIDGE program in your country or organisation please complete the online contact form providing some information about why you are interested in BRIDGE.
How can we help?
We will use the information you provide to action your enquiry/feedback and will keep a record of all enquiries/feedback received. We will manage personal information collected for the purpose of responding to your enquiry/feedback in accordance with the BRIDGE Privacy notice.