BRIDGE Rule 1: All BRIDGE activities must be approved by the BRIDGE Partners.  Approval is obtained through the BRIDGE Portal. Therefore, BRIDGE implementers must request approval from the BRIDGE Secretariat for BRIDGE activities as soon as they can legitimately do so.

24 Apr

Freetown, Sierra Leone, 24-26 April, Introduction to Electoral Administration, NEC, funded by UNDP

24 April - 26 April

The workshop aim is to give an introduction in electoral administration, and enhance the electoral awareness to NEC Assistant Voter Education and Training Officers (AVETOS) and CSO stakeholders in election process.  All of the aprticipants are PWD‰۪s, and are members of Disabled Persons Organizations in Sierra Leone.
Facilitators –

Accrediting – Shuhub Ahmad Najib

Workshop – Vera Muring Kwalar

Semi Accrediting – Annetta Flanigan


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: