4 Sep
Freetown, Sierra Leone, 4-7 Sept 2018, Gender and Elections, NEC funded by UNDP
4 September - 7 September
Summary – This workshop will be organized by UNDP-Support to the National Electoral Commission (SNEC) project in coordination and cooperation with NEC, who have expressed their interest to implement activities that develop the capacities of NEC staff in particular in the area of gender. The overall aim is to introduce the concept of Gender and key international documents framing gender concerns. To advocate for women’s inclusion and full participation in the electoral process; and in particular to understand the impact of the electoral system on the political participation of women and their representation in the elected bodies. • Understand the ways in which electoral system can increase or diminish women’s representation. • Identify gender biases in electoral processes • Assess the obstacles faced by women during their electoral participation and identify ways to promote it.
Purpose – Provide Electoral Principles to Staff Preparation for Electoral Event Professional Development of Staff Other
Other Purpose – By completing this training, the participants should be able to: • Gain appreciation of gender-related and elected issues and concerns. • Monitor women’s participation in the electoral process.
Facilitators – Shuhub Ahmad Najib, , Annetta Flanagan,