14 May
Introduction to Election Administration BRIDGE in South Sudan
14 May - 16 May
South Sudan
A three-day BRIDGE Introduction to Electoral Administration workshop for South Sudan electoral stakeholders to enhance their understanding of key standards, principles and election management techniques that are fundamental to effective electoral practice throughout the electoral cycle. This workshop has been customized from a broader four-day Introduction module delivered 29-30 April and 2-3 May 2024 to members of the Secretariat of the National Election Commission (NEC) of South Sudan and various members of South Sudan civil society by BRIDGE facilitators Natia Kashakashvili and Shalva Tskhakaia. Topics will include International Standards; Electoral Cycle; Legal Frameworks for Elections; EMBs: Powers and Functions, Guiding Principles and Stakeholder Relations; Gender Equality; Disability Rights; Access Strategies; Operational Planning; and Voter and Civic Education. The three-day Intro module will be conducted at state capitals with logistical support from the UN Integrated Electoral Assistance Team, within the broader UN Mission to South Sudan (UNMISS). Between 14 May and 7 June 2024, a total of nine accredited BRIDGE facilitators working in three teams of three facilitators will deliver the Introduction to Election Administration module a total of 12 times in the 10 state capitals of South Sudan and one Administrative Area. From these 12 workshops, 10-12 candidates for accreditation will be selected to join 10 pre-selected candidates from Juba to attend a BRIDGE TtF in Juba, from 10-22 June. In addition to the 12 Intro modules in the states, up to six more sessions of the Intro module will be conducted between 10 – 28 June, contingent on demand, availability of facilitators, and transportation.