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19 Feb

LERIBE – LS – Lesotho – 19-23 February – Modules – Strategic Planning V3 – Funded by INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION

19 February - 23 February

The Independent Electoral Commission is mandated by the constitution of Lesotho to conduct elections. It is also obliged to make its own plans and identify key stakeholders in the electoral process as well as recruit its own staff. In the realisation of its mandate and obligations, the Commission realised a need to develop its own strategic plan. This emerged from the evaluation report by the African Union (2017) and UNDP(2015,2017). For the Commission to do that effectively, its staff has to be well equipped in terms of knowledge and skills on strategic planning to enable effective and active participation that will yield fruitful results. The Commission participated in the pilot of strategic planning module that was held in Lesotho in 2016. Since it is currently planning to embark on development of Strategic Plan for 2019/2023, there seemed a need to refresh its staff on the final strategic planning module for staff to acquire knowledge and thorough understanding on the process so that at the IEC staff will participate fully and effectively in the development of the strategic plan. The workshop is aimed at enabling the participants to critique the current strategic plan which has never been used and contribute to development of the new one.

Expert –

Accrediting –

Workshop –  Liqabanglydia Macheli


Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: