BRIDGE Rule 1: All BRIDGE activities must be approved by the BRIDGE Partners.  Approval is obtained through the BRIDGE Portal. Therefore, BRIDGE implementers must request approval from the BRIDGE Secretariat for BRIDGE activities as soon as they can legitimately do so.

27 Feb

PIANZEA BRIDGE Voter and Civic Education Workshop

27 February - 1 March


Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand Electoral Administrators (PIANZEA) network BRIDGE workshops using the Voter and Civic Education curriculum V3. This three-day workshop is for members of the Melanesia sub-group.

Ana Mataiciwa, Gary Tavoa, Peita Mamo
Australia, Brisbane (Australia, Brisbane , Brisbane , Australia)
Audience(s) for this workshop:
Electoral Management Body
Modules used at this workshop:
Civic Education, Voter Information
Expected Outcomes:
Provide Electoral Principles to Staff, Preparation for Electoral Event, Professional Development of Staff, To develop a support network for stakeholders in electoral processes