5 Sep
Strategic Planning Review for the NEC Liberia
5 September - 9 September
The National Election Commission of Liberia (NEC) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Section is leading the mid-term review of the Commission’s current Strategic Plan (2018-2024). Conducting a mid-term review involves a series of consultations with broad-based internal and external stakeholders. To begin the task, the Commission has constituted a Strategic Plan Review (SPR) Technical Committee composed of the heads of departments and representatives from UNDP Liberia Election Support Project (LESP) and Democracy International (DI). This process shall facilitate setting the priorities for the forthcoming period and appointing the new Board of Commissioners.
UNDP and other partners provide technical and operational support to the NEC to assist in organizing and conducting all national elections, including the 2023 electoral cycles. The emphasis is on capacity strengthening and institutional support to the NEC and other stakeholders to build up and retain its internal processes and systems to conduct credible, transparent, and inclusive elections.
The Liberia Electoral Support Project (LESP) 2020 – 2024 is to continue strengthening the electoral institutions and processes. It specifically seeks to apply novel approaches to mark a qualitative difference and further progression in electoral assistance in Liberia while embarking on the fourth consecutive cycle of electoral support post-conflict. As an overreaching goal, this cycle should be marked by further enhanced national ownership and continued progress towards peaceful, credible, inclusive, and transparent electoral processes in Liberia.
For this purpose, the UNDP has hired a BRIDGE Accrediting Facilitator as a Capacity Development and Strengthening Specialist to facilitate the processes with the NEC and other relevant elections stakeholders and to provide guidance, advice, coaching, and training.
The Strategic Plan Review Process follows the BRIDGE methodology focussing on the second part of the Module, which has a practical focus. This intervention supports the NEC in carrying out various preparatory tasks and logistical arrangements required for implementing the strategic planning process. The Strategic Planning Committee and a Core Team have held several meetings already. The rigorous process of implementing the ‘Strategic Planning Cycle’ is ongoing. The final consultations workshop will review the key elements and set up the new priority activities for the coming 2022-2024 aligned with the new reality and priorities of the NEC.