23 Nov
Voter Registration Basics for the NEC Liberia and CSOs
23 November - 25 November
Voter registration Module in support of Biometric Voter Registration in Liberia
The government of Liberia tasked the National Elections Commission (NEC) to implement Biometric Voter Registration (BVR). This process will contribute to improved accurate voter registration, increasing the number of registered voters, limiting the possibility of double registration, and improving the identification of the voters on election day. In preparation for this endeavor, the NEC Liberia is preparing its staff and counterparts from the CSOs and other national agencies to better understand the basic principles of VR. At the same time, the workshop is facilitated by the NEC TtF Complete facilitators, who will get a chance to get BRIDGE Workshop accreditation. These activities fit with the NEC BRIDGE Implementation Strategy and Rollout plan (June 2022),