TtF for Electoral Commission of Zambia
18-27 September 2023

Successful TtF BRIDGE course for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)
A (TtF) BRIDGE course was conducted for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) at Bonanza Ciela Resort in Lusaka from 18- 27 September 2023 funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Conducting this kind of TtF workshop opened the doors for planning and delivering a pool of trainers in preparation for future capacity building activities within ECZ.
The facilitation team formed and maintained a good professional and productive relationship amongst themselves and with the participants throughout the workshop. The facilitators were guiding participants to develop facilitation skills in accordance with the BRIDGE methodology and were dedicated to the success of the training.
The participants were 19 of which 11 were males and 8 females. These included senior to lower- level officers drawn from most of the ECZ departments. The first day of the training started with the opening ceremony with a speech by Mr Royd Katongo, the Director of Electoral Operations at the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ). He expressed the wish by the ECZ to promote and develop capacities of its staff to build its own pool of trainers.
The 10 days course was rich with activities through which the participants were familiarizing with BRIDGE curriculum methodology and facilitation skills. In the activities various topics were covered, such as: the training basics, what makes a good facilitator, trainers’ credibility, learning styles, learning cycle, monitoring and evaluation, constructive feedback, etc. Participants’ overall evaluation displayed that the objectives of the training were met. Participants indicated that they had gained more confidence and facilitation skills which they will apply in their day-to-day work. There was increased display of knowledge, creativity and confidence. Participants were more dedicated and were committed to work long hours. Participants were inspired to belong to the BRIDGE family. Positive energies were displayed throughout the training days.
Below some of the success stories given by the participants on the TtF course deliverables:
Commenting about the course on what if any is still confusing the response was “everything is crystal clear”. One participant said, “participating in TtF module was an eye opener as we all have areas of improvement, and the constructive feedback taught us to accept and improve on the shortfalls”. Another requested for more training in BRIDGE modules to learn more on electoral processes”.
One participant said, “The training was a wonderful experience and will utilise the skills learnt at the workplace”. Another participant’s response on the aspect of usefulness of the training in your work was “preparation of the curriculum, the learner centred approach brought shared experiences and ideas, and the paired facilitation sessions brought in team working spirit”. Most participants requested for more BRIDGE Modular courses for them to facilitate and be considered for higher BRIDGE levels.